Written by Dentistry Today
Wednesday, 09 January 2013 21:52
A research team recently concluded that women are at increased risk of gum disease when estrogen levels are raised. Regardless of trimester, the study found pregnant women are at a higher risk for gum disease based on estrogen levels.
The increased risk of developing gum disease for pregnant women is not a new fact. The impact of estrogen, however, on gum disease risk was is still a relatively unknown factor. This University of Helsinki study explored the possible impact of hormones on gum disease.
If proven to be definitively true, this information could be vital in the way pregnant women are treated regarding their oral health. It’s even more essential for pregnant women to visit the dentist regularly compared to everyone else.
If gum disease persists in a pregnant woman, the results could be disastrous, with issues like premature birth and complications during labor, among others.
Note: This is not new news, but confirms conclusions from previous studies.
Once the uterine pregnancy is confirmed the couples breath a bit easier and begin to actually enjoy the pregnancy with less worry. It is common that couples will worry before the uterine pregnancy is confirmed. Although the risk is slight for ectopic pregnancy it can be a very unsettling time.Pregnancy