Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Heart Your Smile's Innovation 360°

Dental charity Heart your Smile launched its Innovation 360° at its AGM on the Saturday of the BDA Conference
The dental charity, aimed at promoting positivity within the profession as well as to the public, is looking for ways to turn oral heath around for patients. It is offering support in the form of mentorship, grants and products to help dental teams get innovative oral health initiatives out into the community.
Based on these pilots, the team will share the best ideas with the rest of the profession to support them to innovate in the arena of improving oral health, attendance and uptake of dental services.
The charity is offering multiple grants of £360 to support dental teams to innovate in the area of oral health promotion, with 50% provided as funds to help with logistical expenses and 50% provided in the form of an amazing Heart your Smile Oral Health Kit. 
A selection committee will choose the most innovative projects to support. Successful projects will be assigned a Heart Your Smile mentor for the duration if the project and these pilot projects will form the basis of case reports on which others may model their oral health programmes. 
For more, visit www.heartyoursmile.co.uk.

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