Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Sunstar World Dental Hygienist Awards



World Dental Hygienist Awards

In 2007 the Sunstar Foundation, in collaboration with the International Federation of Dental Hygienists (IFDH) and the International Journal of Dental Hygiene (IJDH), established the World Dental Hygienists Awards to recognize and encourage dental hygienists and dental hygiene students who have made important contributions to the dental hygienist community, their profession or to the general public.

The Award is presented every three years in the following categories:
  • Research Category: $5,000
  • Activity/Project Category: $3,000
  • Student Research Category: $2,000
  • Student Activity / Project Category: $2,000
With each award, a trophy will also be presented. Winners and/or a representative of each winning group, if submission was made as a group, will be invited to the Award Ceremony at the International Symposium on Dental Hygiene. The next World Dental Hygienist Awards will be presented in 2013 at the International Symposium on Dental Hygiene in Cape Town, South Africa.

Plans for the 2013 International Symposium on Dental Hygiene (ISDH) are coming along nicely, thanks to Marie Ferreira, Chair 2013 International Symposium on Dental Hygiene, Elna Shutte, and the rest of the Organising Committee. The call for abstracts will be published very soon on the IFDH <http://www.ifdh.org/> and OHASA <http://www.ohasanet.co.za/> websites. The 2013 ISDH website is active and you can visit the site by clicking on the 2013 ISDH logo (left) and that will link to the 2013 ISDH website. There is information available on Cape Town, the Cape Town International Convention Centre where the Symposium will take place, as well as all various categories of accommodations in Cape Town. 

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